How to Create Packets

Packets allow you to send multiple forms at once instead of sending them individually. Here's how to create one:

  1. Go to "Packets":

    At the top of your screen, click "Packets." You'll see a list of previously created packets, which you can edit by clicking on them.

  2. Create a New Packet:
  • Click on "Create Packet."

    Select Forms:

    • On the left, you'll see a list of all your forms.
    • Click on the forms you want to include in the packet to move them to the right
  • Arrange Forms:
    • Drag and drop the forms on the right to set the order your client will see them.
  • Name and Save:
    • Give your packet a title.
    • Click "Save."

You can create as many packets as you need, each with a unique combination of forms.

Need help setting up your forms? Check out our form conversion guide.

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