Setting up Tablet Mode
Tablet mode allows for quick and efficient completion of all forms that a patient/client needs when they are in the office.
Staff members start by selecting the necessary form or packet for a particular patient and entering the patient's name and DOB.
Then hand the tablet to the patient for completion.
Follow these steps to set up your tablets in tablet mode
- Access your tablet’s native browser. *
- Login to our Zentake account like normal. *
- Go to "Settings" found under your profile icon in the top right corner.
In Settings you will press Tablets and then “ Tablet Mode”. This will launch tablet mode. (Your tablet will stay in tablet mode until you logout.
Adding the Zentake Tablet Mode App to your home screen.
- Create the tablet mode app by clicking the box with the upward arrow at the bottom of your screen (Ipads only)
- Then Add to home screen. Name the app Zentake and click "Add."
- Done!
You now should see Zentake tablet mode app created on the home screen or you tablet.